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Shipping Policy

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Vehicle Pick-Up and Return

a.    Prior to taking possession of a CARZMAX INDIA Vehicle, it shall be the responsibility of every User to do an exterior walk-around and an interior look-over of the vehicle
b.    User's shall be permitted to test drive the CARZMAX INDIA Vehicle to ensure that there is no damage or abnormality encountered in the operation of the vehicle. In case such an abnormality or damage is found, User shall be required to intimate CARZMAX INDIA of any such damage or abnormality encountered on the vehicle or in the operation of the vehicle prior to taking possession of such vehicle.
c.    It shall be the responsibility of the User to pick up the selected CARZMAX INDIA Vehicle and return it secured, clean, and in good working order, at the same place, by no later than the end time of the reservation.

Vehicle Condition

a.    The User is required to report to CARZMAX INDIA immediately any condition that impairs the driving functionality and/or safety of the vehicle, such as performance changes, inappropriate noises, smells or driving feel, including but not limited to warning lamps, indicators, poor driving feel or external or internal damage that renders the vehicle unsafe, including but not limited to, missing or inoperable signal or driving lighting, broken or missing rear-view mirrors and windshield glass etc.
b.    Before performing jump start on any vehicle, the User must inform CARZMAX INDIA. The User shall bear the liability for any losses arising out of a jump start
c.    The User must leave the vehicle’s key, key fob, or other starting device to the vehicle and the parking pass or toll payment pass in its proper position in the vehicle at the conclusion of the reservation or hand it over to the authorized representative of CARZMAX INDIA. In the event that the User fails to leave the key/fob/starting device, parking pass, or toll payment pass (if applicable) in the vehicle, the same shall be informed to CARZMAX INDIA immediately. If the User fails to do so and this causes inconvenience to another User, such User shall be charged the hourly rate and late fees (as outlined in the Fee Policy) for the vehicle until the key/key fob/starting device/parking pass/toll payment pass is returned and the User will remain responsible for the vehicle during such period. The User shall also be charged a fee at CARZMAX INDIA’s sole discretion, to replace any of the items missing from the vehicle.
d.    Reserving Users are responsible for all charges and costs incurred related to the CARZMAX INDIA Vehicle for the entire period of the reservation and until the vehicle is returned, secured, closed, locked and serviceable (all
accessories off, key out of ignition and in proper place, all windows, doors, hatches, sunroofs and other openings closed, toll payment pass and parking pass and other accessories in the vehicle) to its designated return location. CARZMAX INDIA vehicles must be returned no later than the end time of the reservation and the User will be required to terminate the reservation by placing a call to CARZMAX INDIA’s provided number to notify of such intent.
e.    In the event that a CARZMAX INDIA Vehicle is returned late, the Reserving User will be responsible for paying late fees, inconvenience fee and any other charges applicable as per CARZMAX INDIA’s Fee Policy, from the scheduled end time of the booking till the time the vehicle is recovered by CARZMAX INDIA. The Users will be responsible for any and all costs, charges, fees and expenses incurred by CARZMAX INDIA or any third party as a result of a breach of any of these Terms.
f.    The owner is responsible for any costs that can be attributed to mechanical failure due to normal usage for which the vehicle was designed for and customer will be charged or obliged to get it repaired if the damage is not due to normal usage.

Stolen vehicles Information about stolen vehicles or stolen parts of the CARZMAX INDIA Vehicle must be immediately reported by the User to the nearest police station with a detailed written complaint based on actual facts and a copy of the acknowledged complaint should be provided by the User to CARZMAX INDIA. Users shall ensure that such information about lost vehicles shall not contain any discrepancy, inconsistencies or distortions from actual facts as the same would be detrimental to a valid insurance or other claim by CARZMAX INDIA. The User will be liable for any loss due to a discrepant, inconsistent or distorted complaint by the User.

Contact Information
In case of any questions or concerns about the Policy or data processing, Users shall contact at:

Phone number: +91 8000850457
 Email: support@carzmaxindia.com


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