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Cancellation Policy

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Payments Policy

The Users will be required to pay the Fees for the duration specified by the Users at the time when such booking is being made, or at the time of physical delivery of the CARZMAX INDIA Vehicle to the User. The Fees shall be such as specified on the Website, for each CARZMAX INDIA Vehicle and may be accessed by the User.

Payments by the User may be made with the use of credit card / debit card or other netbanking facilities. User is under an obligation to ensure that the account from which the amounts are to be collected have sufficient funds or credit available to cover any charges. The User is solely responsible for any associated bank or credit card charges or fees. The User may be charged a processing fee for a declined credit or debit card payment.

In the event the User defaults on any payments, CARZMAX INDIA is entitled to charge remainder fees and default interest at the rate of 24% per annum. In addition, CARZMAX INDIA may utilize third parties to collect amounts owed to CARZMAX INDIA by a User. CARZMAX INDIA reserves the right to report the delay to credit rating agencies

With all fees mentioned above, CARZMAX INDIA reserves the right to prohibit a User from making a subsequent reservation until all outstanding fees in the User's account have been paid in full. In the event a fee is incurred, Users will receive an email invoice from CARZMAX INDIA that will have detailed payment instructions.

Subject to User's compliance with the Terms and Conditions of this agreement, CARZMAX INDIA shall provide primary liability protection, which is to the extent of claims and/or liabilities covered by CARZMAX INDIA’s vehicle insurance, on CARZMAX INDIA vehicles for claims and/or liabilities arising out of the use or operation of the vehicle by the User.

For any associated deductible charges that are attributable to the User, and for losses that exceed the User's coverage provided by CARZMAX INDIA, User shall be responsible. Liability protection excludes any claim made by the User himself, or the user's immediate family members, or by the passengers in the CARZMAX INDIA vehicle at the time of the incident.

CARZMAX INDIA is not responsible for any damage to, loss or theft of, any personal property belonging to User or third- p arties, regardless of fault or negligence

Under no circumstances will CARZMAX INDIA be liable to any 3rd party for indirect, incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of CARZMAX INDIA Vehicles and services, including this agreement. CARZMAX INDIA shall not be liable to the User for any indirect, incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of CARZMAX INDIA Vehicles and services, including this agreement

Every User who shall fail to comply with the terms of this agreement shall be responsible for all applicable damages and costs arising from the User's failure.

Every User shall be liable for all costs, including fines for late payment and any processing fees added by the issuing municipality in case of any traffic violations including but not limited to parking, speeding, breaking red light, photo enforcement, and toll violations User shall forthwith pay the relevant fine/s to the authority concerned and provide CARZMAX INDIA with the proof of such payment.


Cancellation    Cancellation made more than 24hrs before booking start: ₹ 500 Cancellation made between 24hrs to 4hrs before booking start : ₹ 500 or 50 % of Booking Fee (whichever is greater)
Cancellation made after booking start or within 4hrs before booking start: No Refund
(Cancellation refund will be done through the original payment method within 7- 10 business days)
Reschedule before start #    Modifications made more than 24hrs before booking start: ₹ 200

Extension post start #    Extension request will be taken till 6hrs before the booking end time only if the requested car is available to book else no request will be attain.
Between 6hrs to booking end time if Extension request will not be taken and a late fee per hour will be applicable (Refer late fee section)
Shortening post start    No charges or refunds applicable
Shortening/Rescheduling within 24hrs of booking start or booking end.    Customers will not be able to change booking start time or shorten the booking end time. No refunds will be applicable. Although Customers can anytime extend the booking.

Late Return    Late return would be charged at ₹300/hour in addition to the hourly fee for use of the vehicle.

Pricing plan change    Pricing plan (free km per hour) cannot be changed post booking creation. Pricing will be charged on an half hour basis.

Free Kilometres    The free kilometres allotted to the customer will be proportional to the number of hours booked and the flexi package chosen.
Minimum Duration    The minimum booking duration for which the prices will be charged is
6 hours.

Contact Information
In case of any questions or concerns about the Policy or data processing, Users shall contact at:

Phone number: +91 8000850457
 Email: support@carzmaxindia.com


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